Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Yay, some links!

Some places you should go.

The Story of Stuff - This has a 20 minute video about our consumer culture. It's really enlightening. Watch it!

Mental Floss - My favorite magazine's website is chock full of even more cool facts! Check out the blog, lists, and quizzes.

Conventional Stupidity - The blog of a Mental Floss writer. It is really hilarious.

The Best 19 Movies You Didn't See in 2007 - I'm using this as a what-to-see-next guide!

Eternally Cool - This blog often has references to classics! It's mostly about Rome... and other cool things.

Overheard in New York - Always funny, this site posts random things overheard in New York City. Also links to an 'everywhere' and 'at the beach' version.

iSketch - online pictionary!

Threadless - Great t-shirts.

Cute Overload - Yes. Go here.

That's all for now!

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