Wednesday, July 22, 2009

veg veg veggies

Alright, so, I've decided to go vegetarian for the month of August!!! I will be out of town most of the time - on the West Coast, in cities where there's sooo much vegetarian food. I'm going on a road trip for 10 days with my vegan friend who is challenging all her friends to go veg for August, so that part will be a breeze with her there to help me out. I will not be going vegan though I have no objections to eating vegan whenever possible. I have signed a pledge at to guilt myself into upholding this mission. Also, I have Twittered it so it's official. I almost feel like I want to start now, but it's not August yet, plus I just bought some turkey burgers and chicken enchiladas from Trader Joe's.

This is something that has been aggravating my mind lately - whether to go veg or not. There are many reasons to do so - health, environment, animal cruelty; all of which I'm concerned about. Recently I've gone down to about half of my meals being vegetarian. I think that a month of testing the waters should be a good thing. If it makes me feel good, physically, mentally, or all of the above, I might just stick with it. I intend to blog regularly on my trip on my trusty little netbook, Ceph (short for Bucephalus, Alexander the Great's horse), and will keep you updated on my veg pledge.

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